Brand and Product Development

Brand and Product Development

Surrette Associates LLC specializes in building brands and product lines. Projects as simple as identifying development opportunities outside of the company's current portfolio can be the catalyst to a more diversified company. Nurturing a brand for longevity is usually a more extensive positioning exercise.

Brand Building

The most valuable assets of most CPG companies are usually its brands. We evaluate a brand's position and offer insight into growing and extending its identity. Experience with startup and entrenched companies gives Surrette Associates LLC an impressive brand-related perspective. 

 Product Development

The Surrette Associates LLC team has extensive background in product development from innovation –formulation and package to execution– production and sales. From concept to success, product development is the lifeblood of most growing companies. Click Here to see a CONCEPT-TO-SUCCESS example.


Jack Surrette has successfully acted as a licensor and a licensee. Often a method to extend product lines or expand profitability, licensing can be lucrative. However, it can be complicated by lack of performance and broken promises. Negotiating licensing agreements with companies as large a Mattel, Inc. gives Surrette Associates LLC the experience necessary to navigate this type of opportunity.

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